FWHS takes measures to protect health and safety due to COVID-19
At Fort Worth Housing Solutions, your health and safety is our top priority. As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to impact our area, we are taking precautions to limit in-person interactions as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Fort Worth Housing Solutions has adopted a series of waivers and alternative requirements as permitted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, or CARES, Act. Click here to view the May 21, 2020, resolution approved by the FWHS Board of Commissioners adopting the HUD waivers.
Effective Tuesday, March 17 and until further notice, FWHS’s Executive Leadership team have implemented the following precautions:
- Recertification process will be modified. All re-certifications will be done by U.S. Mail or electronically
- Our lobby will be closed effective Tuesday, March 17; clients may call or email their Housing Counselors
- All in-office appointments, hearings and meetings are suspended
- Inspections will be limited to emergency and required inspections
- Suspensions of terminations
- Suspension of voucher issuance for current and new clients
- Suspension of moves and ports
- Landlord payments will continue to be processed but delays may occur
Questions may be emailed to customercare@fwhs.org. Frequently Asked Questions for HCV participants.
Clients may mail documents to the FWHS office or drop them off in the Drop Box located outside the Administrative Building. The form to report changes is available for download here.
Please call the FWHS Resident Hotline at 817.333.3452 for the latest information. We will also be updating this webpage as needed.
Effective Monday, March 16 and until further notice, we have implemented the following precautions:
- Suspension of Notices to Vacate and lease violations
- Suspension of evictions for non-criminal activity
- Suspension of transfers, move-ins, move-outs
- Suspension of routine work orders
- Work orders will be completed on an emergency basis only
- Suspension of house-keeping inspections
- Suspension of food distributions
- Suspension of late fees
- Suspension of all resident activities
- Closure of all property management offices and community rooms
- Existing repayment agreements will be extended
- Recertifications and interim recertifications will be completed at a later time
- Rent payments for Butler residents should be either mailed or dropped off at the main office drop box, (1201 E. 13th St.).
- Rent payments for Cavile residents should be either mailed or dropped off in the office drop box at Cavile.
- For rent payments, you must include your account number on money orders and keep the money order receipts.
- Pest control services will be conducted on the exterior of buildings and common areas
- Pest control services will be temporarily suspended in resident units
Residents should email publichousing@fwhs.org. Butler residents should call: 817-335-4091. Cavile residents should call: 817-534-6641.
Clients may call the FWHS Resident Hotline at 817.333.3452 for the latest information. We will also be updating this webpage as needed.
Please visit your community’s management office for information about the measures your property is taking to protect the health and safety of tenants.
COVID-19 Resources
Coronavirus Information Hotline: 817-248-6299 (business hours only)
If you need assistance related to COVID-19, dial 211 or go to www.211texas.org and enter COVID-19 as the search term.
TX Department of Health and Human Services